Ford Ranger Auto Start Stop Not Working
The Ford Ranger auto start stop is automatically enabled every time the vehicle is started. However, auto start stop is disabled when the dashboard instrument display illuminates with the grey auto start stop light with a strike through it.
If you are experiencing problems with your Ford Ranger auto start stop not working, it may be due to one or more conditions that must be met in order for it to work. Auto start stop will not work unless the following conditions are met:
- The auto start stop button is not pressed / illuminated. The auto start stop button is located on the centre console.
- The Ford Ranger must exceed an initial speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) after the engine has been started for the first time.
- The vehicle has stopped.
- You foot is depressed onto the brake pedal.
- Drive (D) is selected in the transmission.
- The driver’s door is closed.
- There is adequate brake vacuum. The brake booster provides additional assistance to the driver to reduce the effort required to press the brake pedal.
- The interior of the vehicle has been heated or cooled to a level that has been set by the driver.
- The front windscreen defroster is set to off.
- The driver does not turn the steering wheel rapidly or leaves it set at a sharp angle.
- If the vehicle has stopped on a steep hill gradient, auto start stop may not work.
- Auto start stop may not work is the battery is undercharged and/or within optimal temperature range.
- Engine coolant must be at optimal operating temperature.
- Elevation is below approximately 10,000 ft (3,050 m).
- Ambient temperature is moderate.
Auto Start Stop Engine Restart
If auto start stop is working correctly, but the engine unexpectedly restarts, this may be due to the following reasons:
- Your foot is removed from the brake pedal.
- The accelerator pedal has been pressed along with the brake pedal.
- The driver door is ajar or the driver seat belt is undone.
- Transmission is moved into reverse.
- The vehicle starts moving.
- The vehicle battery is not within optimal operating temperature or is undercharged.
- The maximum engine off time has been exceeded.
- The auto start stop button has been pressed while the engine has been automatically switched off.
- The heated windscreen is switched on.
- The climate control temperature has been altered or the blower fan speed altered.
- An electrical accessory has been switched on or a USB device plugged in.
Further Ford Ranger Information
Ford Ranger dashboard warning lights